Sunday, July 12, 2009


It seems like here lately there is always someone who has bad news to tell me. This summer has been pretty rough with bad news. We have had some people pass, and a couple of scares. On Monday, my grandpa is going under the knife for yet another heart operation. Of course this one is scary, and I am afraid of losing the only grandpa that I have ever known. I have short memories of my great grandfathers, but my grandpa Dude will always hold a special place in my heart. Please keep G-Pa in your prayers.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Go Cards!

So to me what can be better than the Cards winning and the Blues making the playoffs? The game was a cold one, but it was a goodie to watch. Also the company was good and I think everyone enjoyed the endless beer and food.

Our Fun with Trains

During our Spring Break, Hagen and I decided to go with our friends to the Museum of Transportation. The kids had a blast running around the trains and exploring. Our visit was awesome because we had the place pretty much to ourselves.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

At the Movies

So I have to admit I just watched this Vampire movie, because I am a fool for vampire movies. The title is "30 Days of Night" and Josh Hartnet is in the flick. I got to watch it during Hagen's nap time, which worked out great. It is a little bloody, nope I take that back it is way bloody. Anyways I was really getting into the film, and it wasn't the cheesiest Vampire film I have seen. Then came the end, ugh! I was so disappointed with the ending. I hope the writers read this and go "you know what she is right." Don't want to ruin the ending for anyone that has not seen it. Also with the craze with Twilight, it makes you wonder the history behind the imagination and how the legend of the Vampire came about. Things that make you go Hmmm.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

This one is for Amanda

Here is a picture from Kate's birthday shot and then pie in the face. Love that El Gave!!

I will be FINE in 2009

Happy New Years to everyone a little late. Oops! Well I have high hopes for this year, but then I again I have high hopes for every year. I hate to see 2008 go, cause there were plenty of good times. I am glad that everyone had a safe and fun holiday. We had a good night as well. Just some Hagies for dinner and bowling fun.