Christmas is of course coming closer, and the economic status of people in the states is not improving. It seems that everyone is strapped for cash this season, and the giving seems to be on the low end compared to years in passing. I know that I am blessed for the things that I have, considering my other half and I currently both have jobs.
I am the one that rarely listens to country, but I am a huge channel surfer and there isn't much on the airwaves that catches my attention some days. I happened to flip to 93.7 the Bull and a song was coming on that sounded like a Christmas song. Since it is that time of the year I was inspired to stop and listen to the song. What I didn't realize was that by the end of the song I would be crying sitting in my car on the way to work. The song was "Santa I am Here" by Toby Keith, and I have to say if you have never heard it, find it and listen. It especially made me sad considering the song will probably stand true for a lot of people this holiday season.
I hope Santa finds everyone this season.
Nice first post. Yea blogs!